At Farm Kadalur, our cows are a part of the family. So whether it’s fresh green fodder for each of their meals or our dedicated on-site veterinarian, we make sure our cows are well cared for.

In-house Veterinarian

Our in-house veterinarian provides diligent care for all our cows to ensure that they are strong and healthy all through their lives.

This way, our cows are guaranteed to be in a healthy state of mind and body, making their produce equally healthy and strong.

Fodder for Thought

Our cows are fed only organic fodder as we want to ensure that there is no comprise in the health benefits of consuming our milk.

Our cows are free to graze the large area of greens which is carefully maintained to perfection.

This way, you can rest assured that any dairy product that you buy from us which is consumed by your family comes with zero compromises on quality.